I am watching Homeland Season two. I started again. In the last episode she was seen to be shocked once. two times a week for 6 weeks. Of course, they had to ask her back for reasons of her being really good. Her sister the shrink warns her about going to save the world. There is more fucking in hotel between the CIA and the terrorist running for vice presidency. There is some crying about accidents. I guess when I watch movies and shows I should not know they are actors. Can I do that? it does seem that pretending to have bipolar thingy can be acted like that blonde woman. The american terrorist then is sleeping with the enemy, the american secret people, CIA. The american terrorist is also something called Muslim, a religious person believing in X. Where X is a noun with a knowledge about X being powerful and not powerful enough to kill humans for X’s-self. X is variable that approaches zero as one becomes an animal. X uses humans to kill other humans for X. If X1 and X2 do not agree then humans thinking about X1 want to end human thinking about X2 and vice versa. There is a value associated with these thoughts about something about killing. The more people you kill the more evil variable you have. It is on an interval [0,1]. As you approach 0 you are less evil etc. You see the point. It is game theory. American side sends soldiers etc to kill for oil and the other side kill for something, I would assume to protect the oil. So basically its rich brown people against rich white people sending poor brown people to fight poor brown people and say something about X1 and X2. Remember this is a tv show and therefore someone wrote it. They add things that sound real. OK that should be enough for this show. The rich americans in the show are amazed by the big tvs too. They also made a poor american to shut up by giving her money. So I am concluding that the X1 and X2 are the same and it is money gotten from oil. X1=X2=Money=Oil. So the poor need to fight this by stop addiction to oil products. Everyone is addicted to this stuff. The first thing to stop addiction is to admit you have a problem. I like the show. FUNNY: “You are the dumbest and smartest person I have ever known.” Deja Vu, Ken! Ken said this to me once long ago. So exact words On TV and in my life. that is very strange,
coinkydink!? http://vimeo.com/59027585
Imagine this: I am brown with stereotype of what is called “Indian” and sometimes “First nations” and this canadian government in cohorts with churches fucked little people and then killed a lot of them. I mean “alot” by one or more. They pretty much did the Millgram Experiment. Look it up. I was just following orders. The National Socialists party did the same thing. I was following orders.” Fuck you! I won’t do what you tell me!” is a good response next time you hate someone. So anyways. They hate Terrorists(however defined, a variable) and they hate Indians. So I thought I would combine the two and be a Muslim Indian. That won’t work since I don’t believe in any god or whatever the name they give. But Once the indian is implanted in the public the public with not say Fuck you I wont do what you tell me. The public will think “I like muslims and indians” etc. Haha Just kidding I bet if such a thing happened Canadian Party of canada will find a good way to marginal…i mean kill indians. This is what exactly what dont by a saskatchewan party person name Jim Pankiw. He sent a flyer with “Indian terrorists” on it. There was a little outcry but only for show. Now Kelly Block does this. Google her and you will see.
Filed under: alcoholism, Bipolar, Depression catatonia, insomnia, Memory loss, Suicide, writing and posting