Terrible visions of battles in heaven and earth. Anyways, just another fun part of psychosis which I am totally aware of. This is the part of not being gullible about brain illness. However, I am aware of my bad existence in the world of the past which is unchangeable ever. This is a fact you can not change the past. It is done. Done and done. You can say sorry all you want and rinse and repeat you can have ECT for months and still you can not change this past. You can even erase it completely. I say Have fun with a little empathy. This doesnt work also. Feelings fuck up things like a perfectly good childhood or marriage. I need someone to say something to me today, but a las it shall never be. So no emotions or empathy so its good. If someone had empathy for me that means emotional fucked up ness so its all good no one calls. You see think positively.
Today I seen angels of heaven what ever that is. I read a little too much Milton as a child. I also enjoyed star wars as a child. I even had a Han Solo pistol thingy and a luke doll. I see the angels fight in heaven where there are no souls of the dead it is completely empty of heaven goers, it is a place of battle among the the gods’ sponsors and the guys not theirs’. So once you are dead you are dead until this timeless place called heaven is free of battle among the good people who created this universe. They need to use the Schwarz or force or gods’ superpowers. I guess there is a american god in there and must be why there is battle this american god probably designing the weapons for profit, Arch-Haliburton like sponsor. You see my brain creates this battle in full 4D and with sounds and robots and american movie like effects but with emotions. You see angels are like corporations they have no souls. Some Humans have souls but really don’t need them. Jealousy is removed jealousy is define by having no soul. I lost my soul to something a few weeks back.
Anyways, I just woke up and telling my nice dream/script.
Yon know there are ceremonies in injun about how to stop this bad memories dreams brain activity for a long time and be ok with this one life.
Filed under: Bipolar, Depression catatonia, Fiction, Memory loss, Story